Our Essentials package
Want a well designed programme that looks the part and sells but don’t want the cost and hassle of changing everything, every week? Create a new programme in minutes!
Our essentials package has been developed for clubs where simplicity and value are key.
Developed to be used in our ground breaking MATCHDAYONLINE software, ESSENTIALS enables a club to design their own matchday programme for each home game without the need for any special software or design skills. The design ‘template’ sits in the cloud and can be accessed from anywhere in the world, on any day and at any time – all they need is a user name and password.
For a small one off charge, our designers create a template branded to your club enabling the user to create a professionally designed matchday programme with no ongoing design costs*
After an hour or so training (all carried out online) you’ll be creating stylish programmes in a little over 30 minutes**.
This solution allows a maximum of 8 pages with variable content (match reports, League tables, fixture lists, and so on) plus unlimited ‘static’ pages (e.g. adverts)
**Any design changes required that vary from the template will be chargeable
Please use the controls to flip through the sample programme.